Impacts of Fishery Interventions on the Coastal Economy in Guinea: A Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) Prototype Model
Area: Guinea, Africa
When: 2019 - present
This report presents a prototype methodology to understand the likely impacts of fishery interventions on income, production, and consumption in local economies. The methodology begins with microeconomic models of fishing and non-fishing households and nests them within a general-equilibrium (GE) model of the local economy. Both fishing and non-fishing households engage in a variety of economic activities. We draw from a rich literature on agricultural household (or more generally, “household-producer”) models to represent these households as both consumers and producers. This gives our approach a decidedly micro grounding. There is a rich literature on applied GE modeling with a focus on aggregate (national or multinational) economies. We use insights from that literature to integrate our micro models of fishing and non-fishing households into a local economy- wide impact evaluation (LEWIE) model of the fishing community. This is a “proof of concept” study aimed at illustrating the usefulness of a local GE approach to gain insight into ways in which the fishing industry and other activities affect different household groups as well as the overall local economy.